
Absolute Wellness is a State of Being

Losing Weight from the Inside Out! When it comes to successful weight loss, the secret is training the mind AND body at the same time. It's…

Andrea Frasers Headshot
Andrea Fraser
November 10th, 2021
Weight is dragging you down

Losing Weight from the Inside Out!

When it comes to successful weight loss, the secret is training the mind AND body at the same time.

It's EVERYWHERE!! How to lose weight, newest best diet, diet pills, lose 30 lbs in 30 days, 6 pack in 6 weeks...anything to do with weight loss has been marketed, promised, and tried. You name it and it's been done. It's a multi-billion dollar industry! And obesity and every disease related to excess weight has been on the rise for decades.

We get motivated by the newest thing we watch on TV or social media, inspired by the before and after photos and convinced it will work for us. So why is it that so many poeple still struggle?

Could it be that we are overloaded every day by social media platforms, advertisements, magazines, emails, and text messages; that we don't even take a moment to breathe? Could it be that our 'to do' list is longer than a grocery reciept? Or at least we think it is, because who can remember the last time they took the time to write a list!

With this constant pace we keep, how is it even possible to think about what we ACTUALLY want for our health and well-being? We don't recognize the pace we keep, distracts us from the life we want. it all Starts with You!

Yeah, You! Not connecting on social media, or the newest weightloss trend, or quick fix tool...it starts with You. Simple AND Hard.

It starts by taking care of you. Taking a few minutes each day to sit and breathe - that's it. No distractions, no noise, no tasks to go do. Just allow yourself time to be still, and to slow the pace down in your mind. I'm not saying you have to take it to the extreme whereby you shut yourself off from the world. But you do have to slow down enough to allow yourself to see how you are really living.

Ask yourself a few questions; am I living the way I want? If I keep living the way I am, where will my life be in 5 years? Do I actually take the action steps I think about to move me in the direction I want my life to go?

Okay, so now that you've slowed down enough to read this...get a vision of what you want your weight, health, well-being to look like, see yourself as that person! A dream starts with a vision. You have to see yourself as a healthy, vibrant you before you become that person. Once you have a vision of what you want for yourself, it's easier to know where you are going and you'll know when you get there. Now create the plan to move towards what you want and take ACTION one day at a time.

it all Starts with You!

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