Picture of Andrea looking down smiling and holding a yellow pepper

Commit Course


Live Online




June 20th12:00pm - 1:30pm MST
June 21st12:00pm - 1:30pm MST
June 22nd12:00pm - 1:30pm MST


Andrea Fraser


Everything starts with commitment.

Commitment means there is no other option, and the only option is forward progression. For true success in your life, it starts with committing to become mentally, physically, and emotionally strong in your health and well-being. That is what will begin to build the life you desire!

Here is what you will receive:

  • 3 x 90 minute live online training sessions.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the value and power of commitment.
  • Strategies with fresh perspective and new ways of thinking and doing things.
  • Understanding that will position you to activate the results you want in your life.
  • Knowledge of how to overcome the obstacles that pull you back in life.
  • Direction to navigate forward towards everyday healthy living!


How long is each class?

Each class is 90 minutes. The last class will be up to 120 minutes as Andrea will answer questions that have been asked during the course.

What if I can't make a class?

This is how you show yourself your level of commitment to learn. Classes will not be recorded, so ultimately if you miss a class, you miss a class.

Are the Commit Courses being recorded?

No. One of Absolute Training Centres core values is accountability. When recordings are provided, it also provides an option for people to not be accountable.

What if I have a question during the class?

Please submit all questions to andrea@absolutetrainingcentre.com, and Andrea will answer all of them during the last class.

Is this Course for women only?

No. This course is for men and women, young and old who are wanting change in their life.

What do I need to prepare for each class?

  1. Come prepared to be elevated.
  2. Come with an open teachable mind.
  3. Have an environment with NO distractions during the course.
  4. Have a camera for the device you are using to attend the Commit Course.
  5. Have a pen and paper or journal book to write any notes or questions you may have during the course. Journal books are available for purchase in the Absolute Training Centre shop if you require one, though it is not necessary for the Commit Course.

Commit to become part of the solution that many North Americans are facing today

...it all Starts with You!

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