The Purpose of Family

The key to security is found inside the home!

The importance of Family

True family is what brings people together. When a person knows in their heart they have a family, even a family of people who truly believe in them as they are, they are capable of so much more. Most families today have brokenness and division in them. That is a result of the programming they’ve seen for generations. To unify your family will require change. Everything you go through to unify your family will be worth it as it changes your children, your children's children, and their children. It's generational change. This happens by being elevated, equipped and immersed in the truth of your potential, and being strengthened to live from this place.

The foundation of Family

The foundation of Family is security. Security is first developed in children, by the strength of their parents marriage. This foundational principle has effected every person on this planet. Every person craves connection and acceptance, a sense of belonging. That will either come from family or a team with a common goal. A strong unified family, or team, and even a military group, understands the power of acceptance, and someone who has their back no matter what. That's security. That's foundational.

Some have had great security in their families, therefore grow-up secure in knowing who they are as people. Some grew-up with zero security in their family or life, and didn't even know it. They just survived, got through the day, and hoped no explosions would go off in their life. Dysfunction is real and accepted today as normal with so many growing up with no belief that a good foundational family is possible. The increase of divorce and single parenting is having great impacts on our entire world. Each of us has a part in it. Security is what builds trust. It's what builds families, teams, businesses, organizations to work together and thrive. True leaders that care about other people, come from this environment. And we all need to be honest, it's becoming extinct.

Absolute Training Centre is devoted to building strong unified marriages, parenting to raise the next generation of leaders, and healthy relationships within families. Regardless of your family circumstance building a secure foundation for your family and your future family is possible!

“Be the person your family wants to come home to!”

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